Today, nearly 90% of Americans age 65 and older receive Social Security income benefits.¹ Will your Social Security benefits be enough in retirement?
Bridge the gap in your retirement strategy. We can help:
Review your Social Security and retirement statements to determine potential retirement income shortfalls where a fixed annuity may be a potential solution.
Explain the importance of routinely verifying your Social Security statement earnings record for accuracy.
Explore strategies that may enhance the benefits available to married couples.
Review your unique situation to determine potential eligibility for other types of benefits (ex-spousal, dependent or caregiver benefits).
Examine potential effects of taxation on Social Security benefits in light of other sources of retirement income.

¹ Social Security Administration: 2018 Fact Sheet, September 2018
Please note that Quadrant Life Planning and their representatives do not give legal or Social Security advice. You are encouraged to consult your attorney or the Social Security Administration via your local office or online at ssa.gov.
Not approved by, endorsed by, or affiliated with the U.S. Government or any governmental agency.